Afghanistan Phone Books & White Pages


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How to call Afghanistan Mobile Phone from:

International Call Codes

How do you call from Afghanistan to
011 + 1 + Area code+ 7-digit + local phone number
United Kingdom :
00 + 44 + Area code+ 5-to-8-digit + local phone number
Australia :
0011 + 61 + Area code+ 8-digit + local phone number
New Zealand :
00 + 64 + Area code+ 7-digit + local phone number
Mexico :
00 + 52 + Area code+ 7-to-8-digit + local phone number
Egypt :
00 + 20 + Area code+ 6-to-8-digit + local phone number

How to call inside Afghanistan

Afghanistan Phone number:
+ 93 + Area code + 6-to-7-digit + local phone number