USA Reverse Phone Number Lookup

Telephone number: +18554207900
(8554207900, 018554207900)

Views: 151
Review amount: 23
02 Sep 2021
Received a robo call at 9pm saying they were Mercy customer service and to call them back. I dont have any outstanding bills so dont know why they called AND they called my cell phone which is only given as an emergency number. They didnt call my home line which is my primary number. Their customer service practices are awful and I am suspicious about the legitimacy of their call. I will not call them back.
29 Aug 2021
It was Mercy billing. I do owe a bill but had made arrangements for monthly payments which I make and have never been late. When I called back they said they have no control over the automated system. It will call random numbers of people who owe a bill. One of the reason I hate Mercy. They took over a hospital where I live where one of their ex employees had run it into the ground. Before him they were in the black. Seems a little odd. Services more than tripled. Their name should be Merciless.
31 Jul 2021
A bill for Er care that never happened
15 Jul 2021
Toll free..... i dont accept. A name i know i will. If it's mercy, use your name or you are out of luck.
07 Jul 2021
Rec'd a call from 'Mercy Customer Service' and to call them. Called and they said I owed money from 2009. I haven't even been seen there in over 15 years and the bill was paid off at that time. He said I owed thousands more in medical bills too. I asked why has it taken 8 years to call me and he didn't know. He said to pay the bill. I told him this was a scam and to never call me again.
23 Jun 2021
Jerks. Called on a Friday @ 8:00PM. Wanted me to pay the 100 bill using a credit card, but hadn't sent it to the insurance company yet. Deceptive caller. Blocked!
14 Jun 2021
FAKE! They called and they knew my name but the first thing the lady said was that she needed my personal information. I asked what it was regarding and she said that she couldn't discuss it until she got my info! I told her I wouldn't give it to her and she said I should call the number back to prove it was Mercy. But who calls YOU and then asks for your information WITHOUT telling you what it's regarding?
05 Jun 2021
Got a call from this number. Didn't answer and glad I didn't! If everybody would call Mercy and report this crap, maybe they'll get tired of the complaints and take care of it!
02 Jun 2021
When I call the number back, it's a constant busy signal.
20 Apr 2021
IF this is Mercy, it shouldnt say toll free. They want to reach me it had better say Mercy. I will NOT answer or call it back.

Review 8554207900 ( +18554207900 )

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  • Toll Free Telephone Number- Reserved for future toll-free expansion
  • not in use

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