Spain Reverse Phone Number Lookup

Telephone number: +34902121122
(0902121122, 0034902121122)

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Area Code: +34902 - 121122 0902, Spain Telephone called by: +34902121122

0902, Spain: +34902121122 | 0902121122

Area code:
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Cities using +34902 :
  • 901 and 902 numbers are Non Geographic Numbers. These have been widely introduced by the call centres of large multinational European businesses. Unlike other normal Spanish phone numbers beginning 910 onwards, 901 and 902 numbers are always excluded from inclusive call bundles on Spanish landlines and mobiles. In 901 lines, the cost of the call is shared between the calling party and the receiver; in a 902, the calling party pays all the cost of the call. 902 numbers are extremely expensive to call from Spanish mobiles. 901 and 902 numbers are also premium rated if calling Spain from overseas and low cost international call carriers to Spain normally refuse to connect calls to 901 and 902 numbers

Spain Country Information

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Spain Phone number:
+ 34 + Area code + 8-digit + local phone number

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