United Kingdom Reverse Phone Number Lookup

Telephone number: +447440517374
(07440517374, 00447440517374)

Views: 70
Review amount: 3
22 Dec 2021
What's app me claiming to be one of my adult children say this was their new number. I nearlly fell for it but then they are how I was, I said I was find but hubby was ill. Then got asked how and could they help. As I was 2,000+ miles from home and my son would know this I got sus. So I asked how many kids I had, reply 1, then 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6. I then did a video call, they never answered.
18 Sep 2021
Received exactly the same scam from this number on WhatsApp just now. We asked a quick DPA question which received no response except “Has the payment been made yet”
30 Jun 2021
This number pretended to be my daughter with a new number delete the old one. They proceeded to try and extract £910 out of me. Texts can appear convincing unless you really look into the manner written compared to normal text conversation. Pretended new phone could not support mobile banking can i pay urgent bill last day to do. Send image front and back of my bank card.

Review 07440517374 ( +447440517374 )

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Area Code: +4474405 - 17374 United Kingdom Telephone called by: +447440517374

United Kingdom: +447440517374 | 07440517374

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United Kingdom Phone number:
+ 44 + Area code + 5-to-8-digit + local phone number

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