South Africa Reverse Phone Number Lookup

Area Code: 051 (+2751) - Bloemfontein, South Africa

Area Code: 051 ( +2751 ) - Bloemfontein, South Africa

Eastern Cape / Free State
Area code:
Local Time:
Local Timezone:
Cities using +2751 :
  • Bloemfontein
  • Aliwal North (Eastern Cape)
  • Austin's Post
  • Bethulie
  • Bloemfontein
  • Botshabelo
  • Brandfort
  • Bultfontein
  • Burgersdorp
  • Clocolan
  • Colesberg
  • Dealesville
  • Dewetsdorp
  • Donkerpoort
  • Edenburg
  • Excelsior
  • Fauresmith
  • Ficksburg
  • Gariepdam
  • Glen
  • Goedemoed
  • Hagesdam
  • Hobhouse
  • Jagersfontein
  • Jamestown
  • Lady Grey
  • Ladybrand
  • Marobeng
  • Marquard
  • Norvalspont
  • Philippolis
  • Priors
  • Reddersburg
  • Rouxville
  • Selosesha
  • Smithfield
  • Soutpan
  • Springfontein
  • Sterkspruit
  • Steunmekaar
  • Thaba Nchu
  • Thaba Phatshawa
  • Tierpoort
  • Trompsburg
  • Tweespruit
  • Van Stadensrus
  • Venterstad
  • Verkeerdevlei
  • Wepener
  • Westminster
  • Winburg
  • Zastron

South Africa Country Information

Country code:
Exit Code:
ISO Codes:
Pretoria (administrative); Cape Town (legislative); Bloemfontein (judiciary)
Total Population:
Local Time:

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South Africa Phone number:
+ 27 + Area code + 7-digit + local phone number

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