Look up a phone number or call code from a mobile or landline. Check out our full list of country codes. Also see who called you! Phone Numbers Lookup helps you find international phone numbers. Find someone the easy way with our Number Lookup search. Simply enter the country code and phone number (correct international dialing format) and see the results instantly.
Looking for an area code for a NANP country? Use our Area Code Finder and find out which area code belongs to which state or country. All Area Codes of NANP Countries
The country code for Germany is 49; The Exit Code for the United States is 011; Berlin, Germany: 49-30-xxxxxxxx, 4930xxxxxxxx, 49 (30) xxxxxxxx. Calling Berlin, in Germany from the United States: 011-49-30 the local telephone number. There is no need to call the 011 exit code when calling to and from a NANP Country. Manhattan-NYC, New York: 1-646-xxx-xxxx, 1646xxxxxxx, 1 (646) xxxxxxx. Calling Manhattan, New York (USA) from Puerto Rico: 1-646 7 phone number.
Looking up a phone number will help you find information about the owner of any phone number. Any search in the US, Canada or international phone numbers also provides access to data such as phone type, phone company, geographic location, and time zones. There are several ways to look up a phone number for free. The best way is to just enter the country code. Here you will see the area codes and mobile codes listed for each country code. Then if you have a whole number, enter the number in the appropriate international search box. If you only enter the country code + the area code, you will see the location of the city. Examples of entering area codes for the US, Canada and the United Kingdom. Finding a 06 number is a bit more difficult. Because 06 numbers are not tied to specific regions, it is difficult to trace the location of a 06 number. Sometimes owners of a 06 number have made their data available. In this case you can find the address of the owner with a simple number search to find out the question: Who called me! You can check a 06 number with the number finder of National Telephone Guide.
Called by an unknown number and wondering who it was? Google can help you find out almost any phone number.Read Blog
Tracing a mobile phone number: is it possible?Through this service you can find out if the number that called us came from an annoying call center or from someone we know but his number was not in the phone book.
Did you receive a call from a landline or mobile number that you don't know and want to know who called you?Enter the phone number and click search.
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