USA Reverse Phone Number Lookup

Telephone number: +1202444444
(202444444, 01202444444)

Views: 148
Review amount: 5
13 Dec 2021
Called saying I won a government grant I chuckled and hung up on him. He called again twice and I denied the calls. Then he called I did answer the phone and he said he was going to kill me he knew my address and he was going to come and kill me.
20 Jul 2021
Would Not quit calling
27 Jun 2021
Started getting the calls last Friday. Decided to answer today. Man with thick foreign accent said there was a $9000 Grant for me. I said where are you calling from and was told Washington D.C.. I said I didn't need it. Told me it was free money. Then I said I didn't want to get involved in any scam...He then told me I was Already involved! I had another call and hung up.
04 Jun 2021
Getting four to five calls a day from this number. Have caller ID and I do not answer.
12 May 2021
Didn't answer/always get these kind of calls when unemployed. Obviously job sites sell your information.

Review 202444444 ( +1202444444 )

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Area Code: +1202 - 444444 Washington, District of Columbia, USA Telephone called by: +1202444444

Washington, District of Columbia, USA: +1202444444 | 202444444

Area code:
Local Time:
Local Timezone:
Cities using +1202 :
  • Washington D.C.

USA Country Information

Country code:
Exit Code:
ISO Codes:
Washington, D.C.
Total Population:
North America & Caribbean Islands
Local Time:
More than one

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USA Phone number:
+ 1 + Area code + 7-digit + local phone number

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Mediashop International


Outdoor Teleshop


Received call do no know it


Just wants to know scam call or not.

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