United Kingdom Reverse Phone Number Lookup

Telephone number: +443453511692
(03453511692, 00443453511692)

Views: 78
Review amount: 16
24 Jan 2022
Again, called me claiming to be from Co op Bank. With my assistance, £5k was moved through my bank account. Thankfully Co op realised something fishy and blocked my account. Please don't be conned like I was!
08 Jan 2022
Legit TSB call, however scammers can spoof this phone number, so be careful!!!
07 Jan 2022
Very deadly
25 Dec 2021
Fraudulent call claiming to be from T.S.B. prevention department. Also same caller sent calls to mobile phone with a code which appeared authentic.Wanted card details. and to open a fresh bank account.Received in total 6 mobile phone calls. and. 3. land line calls on 0345 351 1692.The linked mobile is 07904 662377.
21 Oct 2021
This number has been harrassing me for at least a week. I don't speak to anyone as I have an answerphone to vet callers first. They ring off when it clicks into answerphone mode. This is a scam......
18 Sep 2021
14 Sep 2021
Have rung housephone twice and my mobileonce, said it was tsb fraud prevention. I had beentryingto set up my online app withoutsuccess. as the phone numbers they wantedto send a code to weren'tmy numbers. I didn't press anybuttons but just hung up. Will go myself to thebank and sort it out there,
02 Sep 2021
This number phoned on house phone and mobile automated call asking to check security details hung up and tryed to phone number on back of card kept saying very busy phone back later.
18 Aug 2021
Phone number 03453511692 just called claiming there was fraudulent activity on my debit card. This is a scam
21 Jul 2021
A man who said that he is from HSBC called. He said that there is a suspicious card transaction, before stopping that, I have to provide some details to prove that I am the account holder. I have to give him the last ten digits of my card. I said I can only give them the last four digits... Your browser does not support the audio element

Review 03453511692 ( +443453511692 )

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Area Code: +44345 - 3511692 0345, United Kingdom Telephone called by: +443453511692

0345, United Kingdom: +443453511692 | 03453511692

Area code:
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Cities using +44345 :
  • 0345 numbers are examples of a non-geographic phone numbers. These are numbers that are not linked to any locality within the UK. They were introduced in 2007 as an alternative to the traditional landlines that were usually assigned geographically through the use of a system of location-specific area codes. All 0333 numbers are landline numbers. However, unlike the ‘01’ or ‘02’ landline numbers, you cannot identify the area 0345 numbers are associated with

United Kingdom Country Information

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United Kingdom Phone number:
+ 44 + Area code + 5-to-8-digit + local phone number

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