USA Reverse Phone Number Lookup

Telephone number: +18002211212
(8002211212, 018002211212)

Views: 288
Review amount: 21
15 Sep 2021
I have no flight reservations (with any airline) and have been getting this same call.. strange...
31 Aug 2021
What was it NWA? Are you aware of all of the airlines Delta is associated with? Do you really think the pulled the number out of the air? It was most likely a code share flight that was on an actual Delta plane.
20 Aug 2021
guys, if you're flying on any of their flight affiliates they may have changed the flight to a delta flight. it is a courtesy call and either you or someone else put the number for emergency contact in case of flight changes down. no worries, its an automated system.
14 Aug 2021
Diedre, a lady with an Indian or Pakistani accent, called me to tell me of a flight cancellation or delay. I'm not sure which since I was trying to get her attention by saying her name repeatedly. When she finally responded, I told her I had no idea what she was talking about and to never call me again.Reported to the National Do Not Call Registry, 24 Nov 2008.
08 Aug 2021
I just got a call from this number, but didn't answer it. They didn't leave a message, so after I looked up the number and read all the complaints, I called it back. The representative I spoke with looked up flights with my last name. She found nothing. I asked her if she could search by my phone number and she did, but again found nothing. Then she asked if I wanted her to look using a credit card number. I said no. She said she didn't know why I got the call, it must have been a mistake.
04 Aug 2021
It's Delta. They are calling you regarding your scheduled flight.
30 Jul 2021
They just called me too, have a flight with a friend on a different airline, i only assume it was a misdial or they are scamming folks when they are not busy, but it is delta.
30 Jul 2021
Just got a call from this number a few moments ago. They just wanted to let me know that my husband's flight back home was delayed by an hour. If you have received a call from this number someone has put your number as a contact on a flight reservation. It's harmless.
16 Jul 2021
This number 800-221-1212 called my home at 3:19 and 3:23 AM today (Feb 11, 2010) We have no travel plans, no scheduled flights NOTHING! Why are they calling me??? I have small children that were trying to sleep! RIDICULOUS!!!!
11 Jun 2021
I almost didn't answer this anonymous call. It contained flight change information. Apparently Delta (or Northwest, or Mesaba, or whoever will actually accept responsibility) can't be bothered to even properly identify the source of the call.

Review 8002211212 ( +18002211212 )

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