USA Reverse Phone Number Lookup

Telephone number: +18888956134
(8888956134, 018888956134)

Views: 95
Review amount: 5
18 Aug 2021
Excuse other people for not having all the wonderful experiences in life as apparently you have Kevdog. Some people actually live real lives where real bad things happen and affects all aspects of our lives. The good thing for me however is that this lender has been extremely helpful. Yes they call a bit often but I would rather that than they not and take the vehicle. Not all customers have this experience however and I think it is wrong to put people down because things that happen beyond their control. Life isn’t predictable, don’t judge others based on their life events
02 Aug 2021
They called me and said my check returned which I knew was not true. I called my bank and they had not sent the check to my bank. I was livid. I still have my payment as late. I want it corrected. But they don't seemto care. So I made another payment. Don't know how to pay them from now on. I am so pissed.
30 Jul 2021
Call is from United Auto Credit Corporation. They will call you the day following the day your payment was due. Sometimes they will even call you a day or two before your payment is due. They will call you if there is a problem with your insurance as well. They will also call your references if they cannot get you.
02 Apr 2021
If you didn't have sorry credit or better money management skills to begin with, then you wouldn't have to have your loan finance with a subprime lender. Just a little education : Interest accrues DAILY based on your principal balance from payment to payment. When you go past your due date, your accrue ADDITIONAL interest. So, in your best interest to pay ON TIME, or even BEFORE your due date & also MORE than your standard/minimum payment due to help pay off your loan faster. Ok. Be good.
14 Feb 2021
Wow that was very disrespectful. I also have a loan from them and I have never had a problem and not everyone is perfect sometimes there are circumsdtances that you have no control over that put black marks agaist your credit. If you are so perfect why are you even looking here to begin with? Nothing better to do with your perfect life?

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