USA Reverse Phone Number Lookup

Telephone number: +18008249289
(8008249289, 018008249289)

Views: 172
Review amount: 18
03 Jan 2022
This is FRAUD. I replied to the number on the text and then when it seemed weird to me that they told me they had resolved the fraud without me talking to anyone I called the number on the back of my card and found out that AMEX had not contacted me regarding fraud. BEWARE
27 Dec 2021
This is bogus number. I got a message from them regarding a card I don't even have. Tell me that's legit number from AA Fraud unit. Don't even see any post from AA validating that here either. Would your bank call you and ask for your card number? Wake up, please!
23 Dec 2021
Not a scam, not a phishing expedition. This number is confirmed as American Express Fraud Unit. Call the number on the back of your card and ask them to verify the number to the fraud unit.Took me less than 2 minutes to confirm this is legit. Caller: American Express
21 Dec 2021
Number is good. Don't ignore it. Received a phone call and text from this number stating it was American Express Fraud alert. Rather than call the number indicated in the alert, I contecated a representative at American Express using the (800) number on the back of the card. This was a legitimate message. There was a fraud charge attempted on my card. use the number on the back of your card to be safe. Caller: AMEX
20 Dec 2021
Legitimate call from Fraud Alert at AmEx. I went through their online contact number and chatted with a representative to verify. Still ended up having to call and remove the alert flag. Caller: Americn Express
15 Dec 2021
8008249289 texted me concerning AMEX fraud, but I am suspicious. Scammers know that people will try to google the number to see if there are scam alerts associated with a given number, so they are planting fake favorable reviews to get people to let their guard down. Think about it, how could half the reviewers be saying it's okay and the other half not?
03 Oct 2021
Legit call from fraud unit.DO NOT BLOCK Caller: AMEX
06 Sep 2021
Do not have an Amex, so FRAUD suspected is not true. Be careful with this number.
17 Aug 2021
This is a legit American Express Fraud unit phone #. I received 2 calls from them and then checked my account. They wanted to know if a purchase made for fuel was me. Said yes and that was it. Caller: American Express Fraud Unit
03 Aug 2021
Received a call from this number with a recording to call back another 800 number or call the number on the back of my American Express card. I called the number on the back of my card and they checked with account security and fraud and there had been NO outreach by Amex. So, this clearly was a fraudulent call (in spite of showing an American Express caller ID). NEVER call back a number other than the one on the back of your credit card

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