USA Reverse Phone Number Lookup

Telephone number: +18553288008
(8553288008, 018553288008)

Views: 215
Review amount: 1
20 Aug 2021
Rude woman called and asked for Teddy. There is no Teddy here. She said she wanted to know who handles the utility account. I told her she had the wrong number, that there is no Teddy here. She asked where we paid our utility bills. I told her it depended on the utility service. If water, sewer, trash, then the City. She wanted to know who paid our bills. I told her our accountant and told her again that she had the wrong number, that there is no Teddy here. Then she got quite rude and she said, 'Listen, are you telling me you do not have electric service?' etc. etc. etc. She demanded that our accountant call her to discuss our utility services. I asked her if this was a telemarketing call and she became ruder. She then said she was calling about our electrical service account and notices that were sent out regarding it. She insisted on speaking with our accountant and wanted to know the accountant's name and when the accountant came in to work. She left her phone number for our accountant to call her, despite me telling her again that she had the wrong number, that there is no Teddy here. The caller said her name is Rachel and her phone number is 1-855-328-8008 Ext. 106. Please FCC, stop these types of calls.

Review 8553288008 ( +18553288008 )

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Area Code: +1855 - 3288008 USA Telephone called by: +18553288008

USA: +18553288008 | 8553288008

Area code:
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Cities using +1855 :
  • Toll Free Telephone Number- Reserved for future toll-free expansion
  • not in use

USA Country Information

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ISO Codes:
Washington, D.C.
Total Population:
North America & Caribbean Islands
Local Time:
More than one

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USA Phone number:
+ 1 + Area code + 7-digit + local phone number

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Mediashop International


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Just wants to know scam call or not.

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