United Kingdom Reverse Phone Number Lookup

Telephone number: +443457223344
(03457223344, 00443457223344)

Views: 82
Review amount: 9
09 Jan 2022
apparently without the 0044 the rest is post office counters 034 etc
16 Dec 2021
These people are also claiming to be SSE as well
26 Nov 2021
Post office customer service
15 Nov 2021
This is The Post Office customer service and complaints team number. No problems.
29 Sep 2021
I have never phone this number but on my virgin media house phone they said I owe them £11.54 it makes me wonder ifvirgin media is in with them I know we din.t phone them so to everyone out there be carefull don't ask to phone any number0345 it will cost you a bomb on your phone bill
03 Sep 2021
Perfectly legit call from Post Office complaints dept. RE to a recently discussed matter. Unfortunately they forgot to tell their caller to ring twice, hang up and ring back so I'd know it wasn't a scammer call; so I did not answer. If you pick up the phone to even 1 scammer, you're likely to get a flood of calls in its wake. That's how their systems seems to work; so, I just don't answer unless it's the secret ring. We pay line rental for the convenience of scammers nowadays.
15 Jun 2021
Please confirm who this number belongs to
25 May 2021
Dear/madam I try to contact you by phone but never work please can you help me to get my amazon delivery items from 1 windmill cloth southall post office Ub24up I think is closed for good so I have have items to collect £ 1000 the price please I need my amazon items thank you
10 May 2021
This is the Post Office trying to contact you about a delivery. Safe to answer.

Review 03457223344 ( +443457223344 )

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Area Code: +44345 - 7223344 0345, United Kingdom Telephone called by: +443457223344

0345, United Kingdom: +443457223344 | 03457223344

Area code:
Local Time:
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Cities using +44345 :
  • 0345 numbers are examples of a non-geographic phone numbers. These are numbers that are not linked to any locality within the UK. They were introduced in 2007 as an alternative to the traditional landlines that were usually assigned geographically through the use of a system of location-specific area codes. All 0333 numbers are landline numbers. However, unlike the ‘01’ or ‘02’ landline numbers, you cannot identify the area 0345 numbers are associated with

United Kingdom Country Information

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How to call inside United Kingdom

United Kingdom Phone number:
+ 44 + Area code + 5-to-8-digit + local phone number

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